Thursday, September 27, 2007



I'm very happy. I haven't seen 145 in about 2 months. I come!


NappyTexanGirl said...

Wow, what did you do differently??

blackrussian said...

I knew people would wonder. I intend to do an entire post about it as soon as I have time!

Organik Beauty said...

Get it girl! That's great! Keep up the good work!

Sis. RJQueen10 said...

Okay! I caught up and I am in this to win this, wit ya! Last year on Oct. 18th 2006 I weighed 222 pounds. That is 47 more pounds than I needed or wanted. I kept a personal exercise and nutrition journal with photos taken every month. I lost weight and I lost it faster than I anticipated. Overall I lost 30 pounds. It is amazing the time it took to lose the weight approximately 2 pounds per week about 15 or 16 weeks, and even more amazing how quickly it returned--really, really fast. Some negative things happened my life and I have gained it all back except 1 pound. What a yo-yo! I know how to lose the weight. My biggest challenge is keeping the weight off. Muslimahlocs once told me about the Sankofa bird and I am now ready to apply this principle to my weightloss. I will not create an online blog, but I will follow yours, support you, encourage you, and share my experience with ya in my comments! I am sure our conversations will inspire me, because this blog already has. Thanks!

My start for this year is to get my head back in the postive frame of mind. I am re-reading "You: On a Diet The Owner's Manual for Waist Management" by Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D. I really like the style of writing. I asked my twin sister to check it out from the library (she is too thrifty to buy a copy) and read it with me. Our assignment for week one is to read the Introduction, 23 pages. We will probably have a discussion about it Friday. I am modifying my personal offline journal and hope to have it ready to go by November.

In the meantime, I worked out three times this week. I am off from school for the next two weeks so I really hit this program running. I almost went back to the gym tonight for a second workout. But our aerobics instructor cancelled the class, and it is not the same without her. Plus I my calves are tender so I am going to massage and soak them in hot water.



N'Drea ~ the Storyteller said...

You're making good progress.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I've been out of the loop a minute...I'm sending you positive energy. Keep it up!

Goodnapps said...

Where's the latest update?? I hope you haven't fallen off the wagon.

Unknown said...

Good for you! When is the next update?