Saturday, September 15, 2007

Trying This Again....


Walked 3 miles in the neighborhood today, again carrying 3 lb weights. This time I took a more challenging route with more hills and boy did I feel it! It took me an hour. It felt like a workout, especially since I didn't just carry the weights. I actually did bicep and tricep curls for most of the hour. I am particularly self-conscious about my arms. They have always been plump, but have gotten particularly wiggly-jiggly with the added weight.

I want to be able to go sleeveless again without a second thought!

I'm not much of a breakfast person. I never get hungry before 10:30 or 11:00 a.m., but I do realize that putting something in my stomach first thing in the morning is important. Especially since I am trying to lose weight. Plus, there are times when I get busy and don't get to have a real meal before 12:30 or 1 p.m., by which time I'm starving!

And that accounts for some of the times I make poor choices (like fast food and starchy/sugary snacks from vending machines).

The solution to not wanting to sit down and eat a 'real' breakfast, like cereal or oatmeal?


My Dad used to make me smoothies for breakfast when I was little because I have never liked eating breakfast. But having smoothies was so akin to dessert and milkshakes that I always loved them! It was like having a special treat and breaking the rules every morning! Plus I simply love fruit and juice and yogurt! They're great individually and awesome together!

For years, I made my own every morning. I can't say why I got out of the habit.

So this morning I made myself a smoothie for breakfast. I've been making them for so long that don't really follow recipes. I throw in random combinations of whatever fruits and juices I have on hand. I always use soy milk and or yogurt and fresh fruit. One personal tip: I always use four or five frozen strawberries instead of ice cubes. They don't add much in the way of calories, but they do add flavor and texture while providing that refreshing smoothie slushiness.

I made myself a delicious 2-egg omelet with spinach for lunch. I crumbled about a tablespoon of feta cheese and half a garden burger into it. I made myself another smoothie in the afternoon, and had soup and salad for dinner, and a cup of lowfat strawberry yogurt for dessert.

No junk food. No fried food. No meat. No bread.

I still have no desire to give up my eggs and dairy, but I am really going to try to go 30 days without eating beef or pork. I will definitely eat fish and I'm on the fence about chicken. I'm leaning towards cutting it out too (shouldn't be that hard for 30 days, right?), but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to stick to that plan.

I haven't actually cooked chicken in a while. Every time I've eaten it, I've been out at a restaurant or gotten it as fast food (wings, or tenders, or somebody's patty-on-a-bun!) Since I won't be doing fast food, it might not be that hard. We'll see.

Oh! And I made sure to get my 8 glasses of water!


Sogolocs said...

That is the hardest part about lifestyle changes, the cooking part. I currently just eat fish and beef occasionally. I actually ate only fish for 6 months. I love it, I just allow myself other choices sometime. That omelet sounds good. I may try it. I am on the smoothie kick too. My husband makes them nightly for me. I am so grateful of that. It makes my day, and I am not eating sweets. Like...I won't list them...Have a great day.

Organik Beauty said...

Hi! I just wanted to commend you on your journey! I'm actually a member of peer trainer because I'm too ashamed to post my weight! LOL I am new to the sisterlock family as well but I'm thinking I may do a weight loss blog as well! kudos on your committment! :)

blackrussian said...

Hi Sogolocs!

Thank you so much for your comments!

For me, it's not just the cooking that's the challenge - it's also the planning which starts with the grocery list before I even GO to the grocery store. And PLANNING ahead to carry food with me when I'm going to be away from home - either at work or running errands.

And situations like I posted about where I'm away from home at dinner time.

I'm about to start teaching a GRE class in a few weeks. It will be Mon. and Wed. for 4 weeks! It's from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. I don't like to eat as early as 5, but 9 pm is too late.

I only have one 10 min break which is only enough time to scarf something down. Part of feeling satisfied is getting to SIT DOWN and enjoy your food...So, I'm not looking forward to that.

Your husband sounds like a sweetie.

OB, Glad to see you followed thru about your weight loss blog. Would you like me to link you?