Monday, September 29, 2008

Cooper River Bridge Run 2009

I was just in Charleston over the weekend and I had a wonderful time. I want a reason to go back.

I have a friend who does the Cooper River Bridge Run every year. It's a 10K. And next year it takes place at the beginning of April, which gives me just about 6 months to train for it if I start now.

It was kind of knocking around in my head as something I might want to try, but I was reluctant to commit even in my own mind and I was really reluctant to post about it.

Y'all remember that half-marathon I was supposed to train for a year ago? Um, yeah...that didn't happen at all.

Once I began looking into starting my business, I totally fell off the wagon. All attempts at training fell entirely by the wayside. And I am so ashamed.

However, today I read this blog entry by Southern Girl and I have to say that it has really inspired me.

I'm a few steps closer to committing to it. I appreciate the link she included with the training suggestions. It's called the Couch-to-5K Running Plan.

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