Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Loser

In general, I am not a fan of reality television... no judgements against those who are really into it - it just isn't my thing.

But I am fascinated by The Biggest Loser.

I loved the show even when I wasn't fat myself and hadn't struggled with my weight. I just found it inspiring that people could work so hard and consistently lose so much weight week after week.

Like all such shows there is an element of unreality and manufactured drama, but it's okay. That is part of what makes us watch and keeps us coming back week after week.

Last year I watched the fall season. I hoped it would help motivate me. After all - some of the contestants had 100 - 200 lbs to lose. I only had 40 - 50. If they could do it in three months, why couldn't I?

Well... we won't talk about why I didn't.

This year we'll talk about why I will and how I did it.

Yep...trying this again...

I started this blog 13 months ago and I haven't achieved success. In fact, I gained 45 lbs.

I went for a physical the day after my birthday (8/10) and I stepped on the scale. To my shock and horror, I watched as the scale calculated 191 lbs!

We won't talk about how that made me feel.

But I haven't given up. I'm not sure I'm at the commitment level I need to get the results I want, but I am ready to start again.

Stay tuned.

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