Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cheryl Burke's Healthy-Life Confessions - Healthy Living -

Cheryl Burke's Healthy-Life Confessions - Healthy Living -™ Shared via AddThis

Y'all know that I am always trying something new - with mixed results and limited follow-through. While I have not embraced this flaw (for I do believe it is a flaw - the lack of consistent follow-through, not the willingness to try new things.) I have rather come to accept this as a fact about myself. It is something I am trying to work on, work around, and overcome - with varied success at different points in my life.

I was always aware of it through introspection and private journaling, but never moreso than when I started this blog (and several others) and my business. I drop the ball on a lot of things.

It has nothing to do with my interest level or general ability to commit. I am just easily distracted and swept up in the excitement and promise of new adventures. I have noticed that I am constantly adopting and abandoning new causes and projects.

I am not habitually unreliable as a friend or business person. I honor my appointments for lunch or meetings, dinner dates, contracts and pricing, deadlines, etc. But the more intangible things like hobbies and travel - dance classes, vacation plans, language lessons, exercise regimens - frequently get lost by the wayside.

But hope springs eternal and it doesn't stop me from trying new things.

I recently read the above article on Cheryl Burke and reposted it here because I have several things in common with her. First and foremost my love of dance. I have loved to dance all my life.

I don't claim to have special talent or skill. I could never have been a professional or a teacher. I know I am not that good and I have no delusions of grandeur - but I do have lots and lots of heart!

I enjoy myself immensely on the dance floor and I am good enough not to be an embarrassment to my girlfriends or dance partner.

The second thing I have in common with her is MonaVie.

I was recently introduced to the nutritional drink by one of my real estate contacts. She suggested I try it for 90 days and see if it changes my life.

She had an amazing testimonial, so I agreed. I'll try to keep you posted, but I know that the regular followers of my blog probably have pretty low expectations. I will probably 1) Not follow the regimen for a full 90 days or 2) Not post about it.

But, again, hope springs eternal. I will try and we shall see.